Cancer Horoscope


COUPLES: The conjugal climate will be both explosive and tender, due to the influx of Pluto. You will do everything out of the ordinary. A real firework: you will love with passion and passion. Let yourself go; nevertheless, keep some necessary safeguards.

SINGLES: The SINGLES will be able to make an exciting meeting this week. But they should not think about marriage immediately, because they could be wrong about what they really want.


With this astral atmosphere, you will succeed these days a financial transaction of the first order that would make you envious. In general, stock market or real estate speculation will be favored: you will run less risk and will be able to make appreciable gains.


The astral configuration of this period will remind you of the need to have a healthy and balanced diet. You are used to eating badly or too much, it hurts your health and your efficiency. Consult a dietitian or a specialist for specific information; but usually common sense will suffice.


This aspect of Jupiter is not to announce the ease. You will have to face the competition, the daily struggle to preserve your place in the sun. Whatever your plans and goals are, you can count on Saturn's support to bring them to a successful conclusion. In any case, you will progress, and the results will be wonderful.


The understanding and loving attitude you have adopted towards your parents and children will foster a rich atmosphere of promise of happiness. In no case do you change course.


Injustice calls injustice; violence breeds violence "(Lacordaire)

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